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Training Program

Training is crucial for organizational development and success. It is fruitful to both employers and employees of an organization. An employee will become more efficient and productive if he is trained well.

At Platinum Translation Services, we offer a range of training courses and translation workshops that bring out a range of human resources capable of filling the job market with the needs of highly qualified translators in an effort to provide a solid learning experience for our clients.

We create and implement innovative opportunities that support individual, professional and community development through training, consultancy and services in the areas of translation and interpreting.

Our professional translation and interpreting training and services are undertaken by highly qualified professionals, holders of language-based and Master's degrees in translation, and managed by an experienced team of leaders.

Recently, we have started training students from the Applied Science Private University. We are more than happy to provide training for students from such an esteemed educational institute and we are going to be so glad to establish a relationship with more universities in order to provide our community with resources that will excellently build this aspect in our country.

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